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Lesson Plan

IIED: ICT in Education Lesson Plan Form

Physics - length, area, volume

YOUR NAME : Miguel Cramer                     


Subject Area(s)
Physics - Length
Grade Level
  Secondary school ( K-12)
Lesson Summary
(take this seriously)
The overall purpose of the lesson. The overall goal of the lesson is to help students through practical exercises to get behind the length of an object.  
In this lesson, students:
1> Will understand the importance of Measuring above estimate.                
2> Can measure the exact length of objects using different measuring instruments.                                                                                                                                                                    3> Can calculate/ convert count using the length Metrics system
learning material: “Natuurkunde voor nu en straks Hoofdstuk 2 part 1”
Student Objectives & Outcomes
(take this seriously)
At the end of this lesson students;

  1. Can tell why measuring is better than estimating
  2. Write down the exact length of an given object by using different Measuring instruments
  3. Can make conversions in the Metric System
Suriname Learning Outcomes
What standards from Suriname learning lines does your lesson meet?
  1. 5.4. Natuur en Techniek
Foundational STREAM Ideas
(pick at least two)
Students will be  How does the lesson connect to a foundational idea in Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts or Mathematics?
Reading: Students will be provided a link to Read about Length.  
Math: Students will get to calculate Metric conversion
Real World Connections or Applications
What real-world connections can this lesson help to understand?
Example: Global Warming
Measure the Length of the Body, A Table, the room etc.
the way in
Checklist for Readiness
__ Students have pre knowledge from the metric system from primary school
__Goals of the lesson will be projected on the first slide. (Plan B. I case of no beamer the lesson goal is printed on a white paper and pinned on the board)
__I have a plan for assessing prior knowledge (see next box below)
__Beamer, presentation, forms and Measurements are set before lesson starts.
__ Have Measurements, Tools, Objects to be used during the lesson ready
__Students sit in groups of 4
__ Forms with exercises should be enough and ready
__ Video should be edited and cut to max 5mins.
__I have a plan for differentiating instruction
__I know that students can understand what I am saying
__The classroom setting is friendly, disciplined, and ready for learning
What vocabulary is connected with this lesson?
_Measure, Measurement, Metric system, Length, Width, Height, Depth, Unit, Calipers, Ruler
Lesson Outline
Students will be Introduced to the Subject of the lesson.  And explained Questions are only for guide

Assessing Knowledge
(Try to complete this within 5 minutes)

What I do to ensure that I know what students are capable of doing BEFORE I introduce new concepts, skills, or behaviors I want students to achieve.  Techniques to use include (but are not limited to):
  • A central question that engages minds/determines how much they know
  • A task/activity where they show they are ready to take the next step
  • K-W-L chart:  students can pair off and show what they know, what they want to know, what they believe they have learned
A game that gives you insights into prior knowledge

To assess the prior knowledge students
  1. Will be asked to give (estimate/guess) the length of a presented object. (e.g. mobile, Book, whiteboard)
  2. Then students in groups will first individually have to write down the estimated length of 5 objects which will be presented in front by the teacher. Then they have 1 min. To discuss it and come with a group answer.
  3. The conclusion will be that we cannot know the exact length of an object by estimating, so we need a measuring tool.
Ongoing Student Engagement
 To increase the students learning :
  • Now that they have used all these various measurements They will be asked the question: “But What is Measuring actually?”
  • The teacher provides the definition.  And tells a about how measuring was done in the early days and how a standardized 1 Meter came to existence.
  • Teacher explains the Unit (Meter) and the Symbol of
    Length/Distance  (M)
  • To boost the students learning even more the teacher will show about 5mins of the following video.


What did the students learn AFTER the lesson you introduced?
Were they able to answer questions that they could not answer BEFORE?
Did they learn a new tool or learning that they did not know BEFORE?


Be clear on the rubric you use for doing the pre-assessment and post-assessment. Try to make it qualitative/quantitative. Here are some examples:  ‘Room Name’ in: 39ZWUPN1
9-10 Questions Corr.
7-6 Questions Corr.
4-0 Questions
Q1, Q2, Q3,
3 or 4 Questions Correct
2 Questions Correct
1 or 0 Questions Correct
Reproduction Q9, Q10, Q5, Q6
3 or 4 Questions Correct
2 Questions Correct
1 or 0 Questions Correct
Q7, Q8
All Questions Correct
1 Question Correct
0 Questions Correct
5 Pnts
3 Pnt.
Taks Freely and asks Question (all Members
Answers only if questions asked
Does Not Talk
Takes Initiatives
Waits till asked to do something
Does Not Participate
5 Pnts
3 Pnt.
All accomplished
Half incomplete
Less than half
the way through
Activities and Scaffolding
(Be specific)

After the video the teacher shows a Slide with the following exercise
(plan B. teacher writes it on the blackboard).
  • 1 km = .…….m
  • 1 dm = .……..m
  • 1 cm = ..........m
  • 1 mm = ……...m
Students give Answers. as the teacher clicks the mouse button the right answers appear on screen.

Students will participate in a formative assessment using
Plan B. the same questions are also on the same paper (opposite side) provided at the beginning of this lesson.
The following multiple choice/open questions are being asked.:
1> The Length of your book is estimated with.:........?
  1. Eyes    b. A Rouler    c. thermometer
2>  If you’d like to know the Length of of your book you have to…….. And that could be done with a ……….?
3> What is the Standard Unit of Length?
  1. Mm    b.   Cm     d.   m
4> Measuring is…………… comparing with agreed unit
5>  12,5 km=......................................m
6>   50dm+25cm+0,
  1. 87      b.  645        c. 870     d. 5370(corr.)
Effective Pedagogies
(Be specific)
Teacher will;
  • initiate Collaborative learning
  • Use of Metacognition, encourage students to manage and organise and be responsible for their own learning
  • Pass through the groups to assist students with difficulties
  • display different tools to measure Length
  • ask questions and have students speak their mind
  • use formative assessment
  • show video’s to give students a better insight in the subject.
Differentiated Instruction
(Be specific)
The Teacher will observe the individual students to see if  any need more attention or to see what specific issues they might have.
According to the observation the teacher might recognise which intelligence some students have and addresses that accordingly.
  • Based on the above some students may continue to watch the full length youtube video earlier provided.   
  • While others may answer the questions/exercises in their physics books
  • Smarter students will be provided with a links with information and video’s regarding the subject so they can learn more about other sophisticated equipment to measure length and distance.
  • Some students may use the  metric tool caliper to measure different objects there: inner size external dimensions or depth.
  • Some student might get the exercise to measure the distance from home to school using Google Earth/Map.
Use of ICTs
(Be specific)
Teacher ICT:
Hardware: PC, Beamer
Software: Powerpoint, Socrative, Youtube, Google Search/Earth/Map/images,  
Student ICT:
Hardware: PC or Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone
Software: Powerpoint, Socrative, Youtube, Google Search/Earth/Map/images,  
If applicable.

(Not applicable when practice teaching at IOL, but will be used for teaching in local classrooms)
Your Organization
  • Classroom is organized to be warm, friendly, and suited for learning
  • Lesson is flexible and responsive
  • Timing is suitable
  • Students are motivated and monitored

  • Teacher arrives at least 10 mins before start to get prepared.
  • Lesson Objectives will be displayed on paper and will be visible at any time
  • According to a average class occupation with 24 students the class will be divided in 6 groups of 4 students. Students may pick a numer out of the box and form groups according to their number.
  • Beamer and slide show will be loaded and tested before start of the lesson.
  • Video is edited and loaded in the PC. so  no waste of time when needed
  • Important url’s are loaded in different tabs in the browser, ready when needed or is internet fails.
  • All tool to be used in the lesson are displayed and ready to use.
  • Exercises on paper are printed and ready to be used.

Your Instruction
  • You can demonstrate how the lesson to be clearly organized
  • You make effective use of verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Examples of attention to students with different learning needs
  • Show how the lesson is appropriate to the age-group

  • Students can raise their hands when they have a question
  • Students will get most of the  instructions verbally from the teacher
  • Instructions are also provided written on the forms which will be provided at the beginning of the lesson and in their physics books.
  • Teacher will make the objectives of the lesson very clear
  • Teacher will have the students work in groups. And will have them Do the learning and practical stof.
  • Teacher will motivate students and will give compliments.
Your Students
(You can demonstrate that…)
  • Are responsible to the well-being and order of the classroom
  • Respond to appropriate discipline where necessary
  • Are respectful and kind to you and each other
  • Students feel safe and are given appropriate feedback
  • The students has to sit in groups
  • The students most not disturb other groups
  • Students have to participate
21st Century teaching and learning

CHOOSE 3 of the following 21st Century Teaching and Learning teaching and learning concepts and briefly describe how your way in, through, or out demonstrated these concepts.  Feel free to choose from the following list or add your own:

Year 1 and 2 Canvas sites PLUS each of the following is a link from:
21st Century Teaching and Learning Choice 1:

  1. Collaborative Learning: students will be working in groups to briefly discuss, brainstorm and solve the issues in the exercises together.  This way weak students could get help from the stronger students. In the way in they will have to agree on the estimated length of the given object for it to be a group view.
21st Century Teaching and Learning Choice 2:
  1. Differentiated Instruction: will be applied on students based on their learning style.
  • Students will be provided a link to Read about Length.  
  • Students will get to calculate Metric conversion using this online tool
21st Century Teaching and Learning Choice 3:
Formative Assessments:
  1. Way in: Active prior knowledge with Kahoot quiz (multiple choice)
  2. Way Through : Group brainstorming, discussions and working together on exercises and finding out the formulas and standard unit.
  3. Way out: Repeat the lesson with Socrative and also test the children what they know or have understood of the given subject

the way forward
Practice in class and at home
This lesson already is practical.
Students will:
measure different objects.
  • use the different tools.
  • also write down their answers on paper.
  • calculate and use the metric system

For homework they will have to read this lesson from the book and finish the exercises. All students have to Measure their TV Screen and give the length in Inch and CM. Tip: Measure Diagonal.
Where this Leads
Now that the students better know; the use of the metric system, the importance of measuring and the different measurements tools in relation to Length, height and distance. They can apply the knowledge as a basis for the next lesson (which is area and volume) and also use it in real life situations.
Ending class
(be specific)
At the end.:
  • The teacher has a good view of how students are doing on the subject. Thanks to socrative
  • Two students will be asked to summarize the lesson and tell what they have learned
  • The teacher will briefly rehearse/emphasize all topics that were not clearly understood according to the post assessment
  • For the Next Lesson the Teacher will use Flip Classroom and have the students play with two Phet Experiments about Area and Volume


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