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ICT Helpdesk for Educational Institutes

ICT Helpdesk for Educational Institutes


Project Assignment Submission deadline
Face to face activity in Paramaribo
Face to face/Google hangout  activity in Nickerie
Project Assignment Submission deadline Nickerie
#1 15.11. 2016
#2  15.11. 2016
#3B  30.11. 2016

#4  28.11. 2016
#5  28.11. 2016

#6  5.12. 2016
#7  10.12. 2016
#8  19.12.2016
Session 4.    15.11.2016  
Present a short ppt-presentation of assignment #1 and #2.
Present # 3A the preparation for interviews

2nd Good Questions Game &  Make a storyboard

Session 5.     22.11.2016
Work on Assignment #4, #5

Session 6. 29.11.2016
3rd Good Questions Game
Assignment #6 #7

Session 7.  06.12.16
Roleplay gaining buy-in from stakeholders

Session 8.  20.12.16
Storytelling & Bingo (date to be confirmed)

Session 4.   19.11.16 (Google hangout)
Present a short ppt-presentation of assignment #1 and #2.
Present # 3A the preparation for interviews

2nd Good Questions Game & Make a storyboard

Session 5.     26.11.2016
Work on Assignment #4, #5
(Face to Face)

Session 6. 29.11.2016
3rd Good Questions Game
Assignment #6 #7

Session 7.  10.12.16
Roleplay gaining buy-in from stakeholders
(Face to face)

Session 8.  23.12.16
Storytelling & Bingo
Google hangout
# 1   18.11.2016
# 2    18.11.2016

#3B  02.12. 2016

#4  28.11. 2016
#5  28.11. 2016

#6  5.12. 2016
#7  10.12. 2016
#8  19.12.2016


Project name:
ICT Helpdesk for Educational Institutes

Challenge(s) addressed:
Costly or no maintenance for ict devices and peripherals in schools


Date - team project started:
November 29th 2016

Date expected completion of the project assignment:
June 30th 2017

Date expected implementation (if applicable):
October 2017

Team members:
John van der Zijden
Esther Boldewijn
Miguel Cramer
Raoul Bergen
Kimberley Tjon Poen Gie

Peer Review Allies:
Sharrel Richters (kim)
Jerry Mahasing (john)
Romana Ajekie (Esther)
Emmy Sastro (Miguel)
….. (Raoul)

#1 Need finding, Problem statement, Vision, Mission, Long term Goals

Date submitted for peer review: dec 2017

Deliverables for the Assignment #1:

  • Need: Every school needs a maintenance or service department for their ICT devices and peripherals
  • Identified problem: Costly or no maintenance for computers in schools
  • Opportunity: we want to set up a helpdesk for ICT maintenance in schools done by NATIN students
  • Reason: Because we want the educational system to run as smooth as possible
  • Root causes:
    • No ICT technicians on site
    • Insects and small rodents
    • Costly maintenance
    • Humidity
    • Dusty environment
    • Old PC’s
    • ICT’s need maintenance
  • Vision: Get ICT technical help to and for all schools in Suriname

  • Achieve Vision: approaching the right resources and applying the best strategy
  • SMART GOAL: Operating with problem free ICT devices and peripherals in every school in Suriname by 2020

Peer Review Deliverables
  • What questions can you ask to help clarify the Needs, Problem, Opportunities, Vision or Goals.

Learning Reflection (e.g. paragraph, sketch note, or mind map)
  • What have you learned? How is it meaningful for your future? What did you struggle with? What did you enjoy?

Date submitted for peer review:

This is a link to a TEMPLATE of Stakeholder Engagement Canvas - a Google spreadsheet we use as an outline for the key elements of the EduChange projects:

A snapshot of our filled in Stakeholder Identification mindmap:

Mindmap stakeholders.jpg

Peer Review Deliverables
  • What is missing? What other stakeholders can you think of?
  • What additional ideas can you offer?
  • What curious questions do you have?
  • HERE INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC call for feedback. What exactly can your allies help you with? What would you like your peers to focus on?

Learning Reflection
  • We have learned how to identify stakeholders, and in the process we also saw that there are more than you think of initially.
  • With this knowledge uptill now we are able to start a new project with the right tools to identify the most important stakeholders.
  • Categorizing stakeholders was quite a challenge. It often happened that the same stakeholder could be placed into 2 different categories.
  • The most enjoyable thing was working together and learning from each other.

#3 Stakeholder Interviews

Talking to Stakeholders of your Project to gain insight and verify your Stakeholder Analysis hypothesis is the most important part of your project. You can conduct the interactions as in person conversations with individuals or focus groups, online/sms  chats or questionnaires or online asynchronous focus groups. For more suggestions and guidance - please see Preparation for Stakeholder Interviews
Date submitted for peer review:
Questions for MINOWC (Ministry):
  1. Is there need for maintenance for the ICT hardware?
  2. Do you have a IT support already in place for the schools?
  3. If yes how efficient is this support?
  4. Is there already policy in place regarding costs of the support and who is responsible for this?
  5. Would you be interested if we came with a good solution for you?
  6. If this solution is cost effective and sustainable would you be prepared to invest in this?
  7. Could we collaborate together in this project?

Survey MINOWC:

Questions for schools:
  1. How many PC’s do you have?
  2. How many Pc’s are operational?
  3. How regular do you have problems?
  4. What are the annual costs for solving those problems?
  5. What’s the average time to solve a problem?
  6. Do you need affordable centralized ICT support?

Survey Schools:
Results and Analyses:

Peer Review Deliverables
  • What seems like key information?
  • What is the impact of the information provided by the Interviewee?
  • What kind of Adopter Type was the Interviewee? Explain your estimate.
  • What competency indicators have you observed?
  • HERE INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC call for feedback. What exactly can your allies help you with? What would you like your peers to focus on?

Learning Reflection (e.g. paragraph, sketch note, or mind map)
  • What have you learned? How is it meaningful for your future? What did you struggle with? What did you enjoy?

  • We learned how to set up and prepare an interview by creating an online assessment form
  • The struggle is in asking the right questions to get the answers and information that you need.

Results of survey:


4 Guiding Coalition Formation & Draft of Diffusion Interventions

Date submitted for peer review:
Deliverables for the Assignment #4

  • What is your own position and role in the initiative?
Project Coordinator, because the Ministry would be the partner.
  • Who would you like to invite to form a coalition which can make the change happen?
The Ministry and the school principals
Show them best practices, let them be involved in the process, and give them co-ownership.
  • How can you increase the rate/speed of adoption and/or improve impact?
Show them best practices of similar projects, let the Ministry inform the schools of the helpdesk.
  • How could you further empower others to drive and spread the change?
The ones who benefit from the helpdesk will be promoting it.
  • What impact do you expect empowerment of stakeholders can have in your specific case?
Nationwide implementation
  • Prepare a schedule of Diffusion Activities/Interventions for all Adoption Phases with brief description of objectives for each.

Peer Review Deliverables
  • What other diffusion intervention(s) can you think of? What? Why? When? How?
  • HERE INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC call for feedback. What exactly can your allies help you with? What would you like your peers to focus on?

Learning Reflection (e.g. paragraph, sketch note, or mind map)
  • What have you learned? How is it meaningful for your future? What did you struggle with? What did you enjoy?

#5 Communication and Collaboration Tools

Date submitted for peer review:
Deliverables for the Assignment #5
Links to 4 digital artefacts designed for our project:
  • 1 live online presence for your project - a web site; Facebook page, collaboration Blog, an online community on Facebook, Google+ or Whatsapp

  • 1 textual communication - speech/email/announcement/call for action /invitation:
  • 1 infographic for raising awareness of one (or more) of the following: the problem, the need or the opportunity or your solution
  • 1 freestyle - video, animation, audio, meme, comic strip, series of Tweets workshop.
ict in Edu.png

Peer Review Deliverables
  • Let the authors know, how their communication pieces influenced you. For which of the Adoption Phases do you think each of the communication pieces or collaboration tools will be most effective?
  • HERE INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC call for feedback. What exactly can your allies help you with? What would you like your peers to focus on?

Learning Reflection (e.g. paragraph, sketch note, or mind map)
  • What have you learned? How is it meaningful for your future? What did you struggle with? What did you enjoy?


#6 Dealing with Obstacles

Date submitted for peer review:
Deliverables for the Assignment #6
  • What objections and concerns can you expect from Stakeholders?
Wanting to take full ownership, concerns about sustainability and costs
  • How will you deal with the objections and concerns? To find out an effective way to deal with diverse objections read or listen to the Buy-In: Saving Your Good Idea from Getting Shot Down by John P. Kotter and Lorne A. Whitehead
We want to look at them objectively. Get a regular feedback forum so the objections and feedback don’t come as a surprise.
  • What objective obstacles have you identified?
The financial part of the project and establishing the necessary steps to follow.  
  • What obstacles may arise during implementation? And how will you deal with obstacles proposed in reviews?
A massive demand for ICT help,
Too much demand can increase the time for ICT help.
  • What can you do to make the dip short and shallow?
The software will filter priorities and the process will be executed in phases

Peer Review Deliverables
  • What other obstacles can you think of? Focus on performance issues in the implementation phase.
  • HERE INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC call for feedback. What exactly can your allies help you with? What would you like your peers to focus on?

Learning Reflection (e.g. paragraph, sketch note, or mind map)
  • What have you learned? How is it meaningful for your future? What did you struggle with? What did you enjoy?
We learned how to try dealing with obstacles. It is meaningful for the enhancement of the product. We struggled with the “how” part. How  will we collect the concerns and objectives efficiently. We enjoyed collaborating about the possible outcome.


#7 SMART goals, short term wins, resources, sustainability & scalability

Date submitted for peer review:
Deliverables for the Assignment #7

  • What do I want to accomplish
  • why do I want to accomplish this?
  • What are the requirements?
  • What are the constraints?
We want to create a working ICT Helpdesk for schools to ease the pressure off the Ministry and gain working experience for NATIN students. We are required to work closely with the Ministry and NATIN to a create an efficient system. One main constraint is to set up a self sustainable system.
  • how will I measure my progress
  • How will I know when the goal’s accomplished?
We will measure our progress by taking regular surveys. And tracking data about the work we are doing. We should compare the data to track progress. We will know that the goal s accomplished when the system is set up and working efficiently in multiple schools.
  • How can the goal be accomplished?
  • what are the logical steps I should take?
The goal can be accomplished by talking to the right people and setting it up with the stakeholders. The logical steps I should take are: 1. Submitting a proposal
2. Getting it approved
3. Working on setting up and carrying out the project
  • Is this a worthwhile goal?
  • Is this the right time?
  • Do I have the necessary resources to accomplish this goal?
  • Is this goal in line with my long term objectives?
This is definitely a worthwhile goal. It is even past it’s due time. We have the necessary resources  to accomplish this goal. And it is most certainly in line with our long term objectives.
  • How long will it take to accomplish this goal?
  • When is the completion of this goal  due?
  • When am I going to work on this goal?
It will take up to a year to accomplish the end goal. The completion of this goal is due in October 2017. We will be working on this goal all the way through the end of this year.

  • What will be your short-term wins?
Hands-on training for NATIN students
Clarity on who is responsible for PC maintenance

  • What will you do to make sure to deliver each of the short-term wins?
Set up the project for a few schools to do a trial run to prove how well it will work.   

  • What do you need to do to make your innovation feasible for implementation?
Collaboration with school management and MINOWC as well as PC Hardware companies and NATIN.

  • What resources will be needed to sustain the initiative after implementation?
Means of transport,  communication and components for PC repair. We will also need a constant supervision model.
  • How can you sustain your project without costs?
Costs for transport, communication and components for PC repair will be ongoing
  • What would it take to make your innovation scalable?
In order to go larger we would need financial support. Hence the Financial institutes as one of the stakeholders. We also need a bigger logistics plan.
  • How will you ensure permanence (aka stickiness) of the new processes?
Change management; regular communication with stakeholders so we get feedback and know if/when we need to step up our game.
Peer Review Deliverables
  • Your ideas can make a big difference here. What can you think of that could help with achievement of the goals and wins? What improvements or alternative ways to sustainability and scalability would you propose?
  • HERE INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC call for feedback. What exactly can your allies help you with? What would you like your peers to focus on?

Learning Reflection (e.g. paragraph, sketch note, or mind map)
  • What have you learned? How is it meaningful for your future? What did you struggle with? What did you enjoy?
We learned how to form a SMART goal and look at the project’s future outcomes. It is meaningful to get a better outcome of our project. We struggled with putting what we know into understandable words. We enjoyed seeing the end result of this part after so much work we put into it.


#8 Storytelling

Date submitted for peer review:
Deliverables for the Assignment #8
  • Tell the story of your project.
  • Co-create a 10’ - 20’ animation or video collage or screencast documenting your project, covering all important facts, key moments and findings of your collaborative inquiry. And of course a final reflection of your learning experience :-)
  • UPLOAD the video on AS UNLISTED and submit LINK here (and later in CoCoCrit for facilitation of the viewing IN B30). Under your link you can write any comments you might find useful. YOUTUBE.png
  • The cohort will watch all videos during last in-person session of the Module in order to provide feedback. After this you can still make improvements before the assignment will be graded.
  • We will play Bingo (using the ) while watching your video and this is a sample Bingo card. How will you make sure the Bingo players can get multiple bingos?


For your Storytelling, you can use any tool or app you prefer. In case you have no experience with video production yet, you might want to explore some of these tools:


Video Editing Apps:

Screencast recording:
Peer Review Deliverables
  • What are the highlights of the video? Can you understand the innovation project after watching the video? What is missing? What would help to clarify things for you?
  • HERE INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC call for feedback. What exactly can your allies help you with? What would you like your peers to focus on?

Learning Reflection (e.g. paragraph, sketch note, or mind map)
  • We struggled with the limited time, what we discovered in the end.
  • What we learnt is that next time we have to explore the free software opportunities better.
  • Because of the time limit we had to squeeze and prioritize our information into the Powtoon.
  • We had lots of fun making the Powtoon and everybody put something creative into it.



Date Role Play Session: Paramaribo 06.12.16; Nickerie 10.12.16 TBC

Deliverables for the Role Play Presentation for Buy-In
  • Presentations are often perceived as a Diffusion Activity with the aim to raise awareness and curiosity among the target community. In EduChange, we will practice a ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION, during which you will present your Project in front of a small assembly of stakeholders - other students role-playing relevant stakeholders - teachers, administrators, parents, students, media representatives, employers or industry representatives, experts etc.

  • The goal of the presentation and following debate is to gain Buy-in from your stakeholders. You should prepare to deal with their reactions based on the Buy-in publication by John Kotter.
Peer Review Deliverables
  • Peers deliver thoughtful feedback on presentation, ask clarifying questions, express their concerns and offer suggestions for improvements
  • HERE INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC call for feedback. What exactly can your allies help you with? What would you like your peers to focus on?
Learning Reflection (e.g. paragraph, sketch note, or mind map)
  • What have you learned? How is it meaningful for your future? What did you struggle with? What did you enjoy?


Glossary - please feel welcome to edit the glossary to fit the needs of your team & project

Adoption Curve

Adoption curve is a model explaining speed of adoption of an innovation. See short video

Adopter Typesadopter types.png


Venturesome; although they make up a very small part of the total market, innovators play a very important role. They are interested in anything new, and are quick to adopt new and innovative products

Early adopters

Young and restless; early adopters are opinion leaders. They pay attention to what the innovators have discovered and find a practical use for the innovation. They then communicate to their followers the usefulness of the new product. They play a very important role by influencing the attitude and changing the behavior of the later adopters.

Early majority

Value shoppers; the early majority carefully observe the early adopters, but wait to adopt innovative products until they are sure they will get value from them. The early majority will only adopt a new product if they are sure the new product will provide usefulness to their lives - and not be a waste of their time and money.

Late majority

Skeptics; the late majority wait until an innovation has been accepted by a majority of consumers and the price has dropped to adopt the new product. The late majority typically adopt innovative products because they feel as if everyone else is doing it.


Traditionalists; laggards are the very last group to adopt a new product. Laggards are content with what they have, and they adopt new products unenthusiastically and only because they feel as if they have to.


A degree of freedom and discretion to make own decisions.


A stakeholders’ commitment to / an agreement with / support of the innovation project.

Change Curve

The Change Curve is based on a model developed by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross to explain process of grieving. The curve also describes the reaction of an individual or an organisation to any dramatic life changing situation. For this reason, it has been widely utilized in change management - to help us understand reactions to significant change.
We analyse the curve and prepare to support stakeholders during all phases - from engagement/announcement through implementation till integration and subsequent diffusion.



Person who voluntarily takes extraordinary interest in the adoption, implementation, and success of a cause, policy, program, project, or product. Sometimes Champions are called Advocates, Evangelists or Activist.

Comfort Zone

The comfort zone is a psychological state in which a person feels competent, at ease, in control and experiences low anxiety and stress.

Diffusion of innovations

Diffusion of innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread.
See a TEDx Talk How to get your ideas to spread by Seth Godin

Diffusion Interventions/Diffusion Activities

Please fill in examples from the DSG and your own brainstorms

“The main criterion for judging the relative success of diffusion
interventions is usually the rate of adoption of an innovation that they achieve. In some cases, however, this measure of change agency effectiveness needs to be seriously questioned. The quality of adoption decisions resulting from a diffusion campaign may be more important than just the number of adoptions achieved.”

Flipped Classroom

Flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional format by delivering content online outside of the classroom, while learning activities are facilitated during classroom sessions.


An infographic is a diffusion intervetion suitable for early stages of adoption process - raising awareness (about problem or available solution) and triggering interest of adopters.

This is a link festival provided in the Design and Make Infographics (Project-Centered Course) by Michigan State University

  The website, Cool Infographics, has a great list of online infographics communities to inspire you and share work
  At this link, Cool Infographics reviews five of the softwares below: Visme, Canva,, Piktochart and
CHECK OUT THESE POPULAR SOFTWARES FOR MAKING INFOGRAPHICS. The text with each one is promo from their website, not from me. Most have free and paid options as well as great tutorials.
Canva: Good for laying out infographics and designing a whole bunch of other things (review by PC magazine). Here are their tutorials.
Datavisual makes it easy to create stunning data visualizations. Our intuitive web-based interface offers pre-designed templates that anyone can use while giving design teams the power to rev up workflow and quickly output large volumes of custom data graphics (review by Alleywatch). Sign up for tutorials at link. is a website that features thousands of free infographic templates and design objects which users can customize to create and share their visual ideas online (review by Adweek). Here are their tutorials. Create and publish beautiful visualizations of your data. Interactive, responsive and engaging (review by MakeUseOf). Here are their tutorials.
Lyra: Lyra is an interactive environment that enables custom visualization design without writing any code (review by Chris Pudney). Here is a tutorial by Jim Vallandingham.
Piktochart: Take your visual communication to the next level, without hiring a professional designer (review by Jason Slater). Here are their tutorials.
Plotly: Create and share charts, datasets, and dashboards online (review by Visually). Here are their tutorials.
Tableau Public is a free service that lets anyone publish interactive maps and charts to the web (using spreadsheet data). Once on the web, anyone can interact with the data, download it, or create their own visualizations of it. No programming skills are required. (Review by TrustRadius). Here are their tutorials (they're for the paid version, which offers more features than the public version I linked to, but they're very helpful.)
Visme is a simple tool to translate your ideas into engaging content in the form of infographics (other things listed) in order to tell better stories and translate boring data into beautiful visual content right in your browser (review by EdShelf). Here are their tutorials.

Key Stakeholder

A decision maker and/or a stakeholder so important, that lack of their support could  cause the project to fail.

Key Performance Indicator

A performance indicator or key performance indicator (KPI) is a type of performance measurement. KPIs evaluate the success of an organization or of a particular activity in which it engages. Often success is simply the repeated, periodic achievement of some levels of operational goal (e.g. zero defects, 10/10 customer satisfaction, etc.), and sometimes success is defined in terms of making progress toward strategic goals.

Marginal Stakeholder

This group of stakeholders are important for the project implementation, but has little influence on it. The effects of a change impact them slightly and there are not of the importance or the project.

Performance Dip

Phenomenon often observed after the implementation of an innovation. The organization/unit/person adopting a new system/process/product usually experiences a decrease in performance immediately following implementation. Length and depth of the dip should be minimized, aiming for improved performance asap. The performance dip is often caused by unforeseen gaps in process integration within existing systems and competency gaps.


The set of basic principles and associated guidelines, formulated and enforced by the governing body of an organization, to direct and limit its actions in pursuit of long-term goals.

Primary Stakeholder

People who need to make change happen by changing their own behaviour, attitude, process of works etc.

Secondary Stakeholder

Recipients or beneficiaries of the change/innovation.

Stakeholder Analysis

The process starting with identification of stakeholders and hypothesis regarding impact, needs and interests. Main part of stakeholder analysis is the interaction with stakeholders - ethnography, intervirews, focus groups, surveys, workshops, etc.


A person / a group of individuals / an organization who will be in some way impacted by the proposed change (both inside and outside the education system in question). Stakeholder is anyone who has a personal, professional, financial or civic interest or concern in maintaining or changing the status quo.


Effective goal setting is an important part of change management and innovation.
SMART is and acronym based on desirable goal qualities:
Specific (who? what exactly will be achieved? can you tell when it is achieved?)
Measurable (what units? how many? or how often?)
Attainable (can be challenging, but possible to achieve)
Relevant (to your vision)
Time bound (when will this be achieved?)


An aspiration, a description of what an outcome of a project will look like. Vision describes accomplishment of the mid-term or long-term goals.


If you have not found a word you are looking for, try or or explore the GLOSSARY OF EDUCATION REFORM

Please make your own copy and set up ‘sharing’ in such a way, that all members of your team ‘can edit’ and ‘anyone with the link can comment’.

This document will guide your collaboration and peer reviews during 8 stages of strategic planning for your innovation project within the EduChange course. Please explore the structure of the document and each of the 8 sections and take advantage of the hyperlinks to Glossary, which is placed at the bottom of this document for your convenience.

Each section contains specific deliverables for project assignment, peer review and learning reflection. You can use the rubric placed above Glossary to self-evaluate your assignments.

Once you have formed teams and agreed on your project goals and vision, please find a peer review alliance. As sketched on the picture below - each of you needs to form a 1:1 reciprocal peer review alliance with a student from a different project team. Each student will provide peer review for each of the 8 project stages published by allied team.


Peer Review is an integral part of the overall Project Assignment. When forming the collaboration alliance, you are committing yourself to deliver peer review for each post as soon as possible, so that your peers can incorporate your suggestions.
It might be practical to agree on a reminder system for peer reviews. E.g. when your team posts an assignment you will at the same time send an invitation (with a link to the post) to all allied peers asking for peer review.
It is a good idea to agree on the length of response times in advance. By response time we mean the time between the invitation being sent and the required peer review appearing in the comments.


PS - Once you have started working, you can move this introductory text to the very end of your document for future reference and to make working in the doc from a mobile device more convenient.

This video tutorial can also help guide you through this document


  1. Very interesting,good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.You’re doing a great job.Keep it up Thanks & Regards,
    From Call Center Solutions.


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