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Lesson Plan

IIED: ICT in Education Lesson Plan Format


Physics - Lenght, Area and Volume
YOUR NAME : Miguel Cramer                      Date: 25-06-2017

Replace the text in the right-hand boxes with your own content
Subject Area(s)
Physics - Length
Grade Level
   Secondary school ( K-12)
Lesson Summary
(take this seriously)
During this lesson the emphasis is placed on area calculation and volume calculation. The students should be able to understand the connection between surface area and volume.
Learning material: “Natuurkunde voor nu en straks Hoofdstuk 2 part 3/4”
Student Objectives & Outcomes
(take this seriously)
At the end of this lesson the students must;

  1. Be able to define area and must know how to calculate area; the symbol and what the standard unit of area is.
  2. Be able to define volume and know how to calculate volume, and must also know what the relationship is of area and volume; the symbol and what the standard unit of volume is.
Suriname Learning Outcomes
What standards from Suriname learning lines does your lesson meet?
  1. 5.4. Natuur en Techniek
Foundational STREAM Ideas
(pick at least two)
How does the lesson connect to a foundational idea in Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts or Mathematics?
Real World Connections or Applications
What real-world connections can this lesson help to understand?
Example: Global Warming

the way in
Checklist for Readiness
__ The goal of this lesson will be projected with a slideshow  on the board . The lesson goal will also be hanged on a large piece of paper in front of the class on the blackboard.
__For assessing the prior knowledge we need internet and computers/tablets or smartphones.
__If not possible, then the quiz is printed out.
__The students will sit in groups of 4 or 5, so tables are set before the lesson start
__Beamer, internet connection, laptop and lesson is tested in put in place
To test the prior knowledge of the students I will use Kahoot. This will be also a refreshment of the previously obtained lesson. The questions will be:

What vocabulary is connected with this lesson?
Lesson Outline
Questions are only for guide

  • Describe how the teacher will capture students’ interest.
  • What kind of questions should the students ask themselves after the engagement?

  • Describe what hands-on/minds-on activities students will be doing.
  • List “big idea” conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students’ exploration

  • Student explanations should precede introduction of terms or explanations by the teacher. What questions or techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the concept under examination?
  • List higher order thinking questions which teachers will use to solicit student explanations and help them to justify their explanations.

  • Describe how students will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept.
  • What vocabulary will be introduced and how will it connect to students’ observations?
  • How is this knowledge applied in our daily lives?

  • How will students demonstrate that they have achieved the lesson objective?
  • This should be embedded throughout the lesson as well as at the end of the lesson
Assessing Knowledge

What I do to ensure that I know what students are capable of doing BEFORE I introduce new concepts, skills, or behaviors I want students to achieve.  Techniques to use include (but are not limited to):
  • A central question that engages minds/determines how much they know
  • A task/activity where they show they are ready to take the next step
  • K-W-L chart:  students can pair off and show what they know, what they want to know, what they believe they have learned
A game that gives you insights into prior knowledge

  1. How can we measure length?
  2. What is better? Guessing or measuring.
  3. 1 m = …… cm
  4. 1 km = ….. m
  5. 3 m + 2 dm= ….. cm
  6. 50 mm + 75 cm = ….. m
  7. 1,5 dam + …. hm + 0,01 km= 45 m  

Questions 1 till 4 will be 25 sec, question 5 and 6 will be 40 sec and question 7     1 min.  We will use 1 min to review the answer given by the students.

To help the students engage in learning the new lesson, I will use 4 sticks or straws with 2 of them with the same length to form a rectangle on the table (2cm*4cm) Then i will let them fill the area inside the rectangle with rice or sand. The simulation will also be shown on the board with a powerpoint and beamer. Then I will ask the class what they see, and so I will make it clear what an area is. Area is length * width. So the students will have to quickly make the calculation of the surface area. Soon it will be clear that the unit for area is square meter, and that is also the standard unit.  The symbol for area is A.  The teacher will show that m*m = m2, after the discussion is done in the groups about the unit of area. The group who answers first wins.


What did the students learn AFTER the lesson you introduced?
Were they able to answer questions that they could not answer BEFORE?
Did they learn a new tool or learning that they did not know BEFORE?


Be clear on the rubric you use for doing the pre-assessment and post-assessment. Try to make it qualitative/quantitative. Here are some examples:

the way through
Activities and Scaffolding
(Be specific)
After the practical assignment other assignments are given, to make them get around A1with the subject area.
Some instructions of area:
  1. 4 cm * 6 cm = ….cm2
  2. 2 m * 3 m = ….. cm2
  3. 200 mm * 100 mm = …. m2
  4. 2 m * 3 dm = …. dm2
This assignment will take only 4 min to complete and 1 min to review it.

After that the teacher will ask the students to cut the same size rectangle like the first assignment of the cardboard, 3 of them. Then he will ask the students to cut 2 cubes of 2 cm*2 cm. All this must be glued together to form a bar, and at last to fill the bar with bouillon blocks. First they have to measure the bouillon block. The standard size of a bouillon block is 1 cm* 1 cm * 1cm. Then i will ask the class how many bouillon block there are in that bar. So what is the space called of the bar? The space is called the volume. Is the space what the bar has, in which a certain amount of things can go. We will discuss the height of the bar, the width and the length. After that the groups will be given 3 min the time to solve out how to calculate volume and what the unit of volume is. They can use their knowledge of calculating the surface area as an aid in solving this problem.
After the discussion we will go together through the formula of volume and the standard unit. And that is volume = length * width * height (V=l*b*h); the standard unit for volume is m3
Remembrance for the students: 1 liter ( l ) = 1 dm3 ; 1 ml = 1 cm3
The teacher will explain how the  conversion is done on the blackboard.

A higher level of thinking (scaffolding):
  • The students will be given some exercise and individuals will be asked to answer. The groups must work together to help each other.
  • Exercise to calculate volume:
15 cm
8 cm
3 cm
……………..*......................*.........................= ……….cm3
10 cm
12 cm
6 cm
……………..*......................*.........................= ……….ml
2,4 m
25 cm
8 mm
……………..*......................*.........................= ……….cm3
3 m
4 dm
3 dm
……………..*......................*.........................= ………. l

  • The students are asked how they can calculate the volume of a pebble? In the meantime they are shown a video.
  • After a video is shown how to work with a graduated cylinder, the students are given a cylinder to look how much water there is. The teacher repeats the explanation while the students engage.
  • As the children give their answer of the volume of the graduated cylinder, they are asked the solution of calculating the volume of a pebble. After the answer i will show another video.
Effective Pedagogies
(Be specific)
  • Methods: Thinking -Share-Exchange.
  • Using illustrative material, compliment with good answers, walk along the groups and, where necessary, give or assist specific information used by questioning techniques as a group can not immediately get an answer. To involve all the students with different learning styles, I will use pictures, videos, worksheets, and also verbally give explanations
Differentiated Instruction
(Be specific)
With each assignment  instructions and an example will be given by the teacher (this can be carried out by  the teacher or a student who is a fast learner (also other groups)
After this, the teacher passes the groups in the classroom and help the group , if necessary with additional instruction / information. By check to apply in pairs, the "weak students" are helped by the "strong students" in their group itself.
In the meantime that students execute an assignment, some additional explanatory videos of surface area calculation and volume calculation for students with a different understanding level .
Use of ICTs
(Be specific)
  • Hardware: Pc, Beamer (for efficiency and helping students with differentiated instructions)
  • Software:
  • Kahoot : for prior knowledge quiz
  • Socrative: for ending the class/ as repetition/ and to know if they understood the subject
  • YouTube: for visualization of the subject

(Not applicable when practice teaching at IOL, but will be used for teaching in local classrooms)
Your Organization
Normally in Suriname a class contains 30 students: they are divided in 6 groups of 5 students because the space of the room is not that big. In order to move freely this method is chosen.

To monitor the time a timer or clock is placed in front of the class.

To monitor the students and kept them busy the teacher has to move frequently in the room with some funny jokes.

Instructions for forming groups: Students must take a sticker out of a can which contains six different colors . The students with the same color cards form a group
Your Instruction
Appointments: If you know the answer to a question, put your finger on. The teacher will give you a turn to answer the question, we do not answer by shouting through the class.

Instructions: The the learning objectives of the lesson will be made clear to the students ; short review / instruction how to work in Kahoot and Socrative. The students are explained at the beginning of each exercise how much time they have to carry it out. The students will be thanked for giving an answer and be complemented. By walking past the groups extra attention will be given and instruction to students or groups who are in need. We work with examples from the experiences / environment of the pupils.
Your Students
(You can demonstrate that…)
  • Are responsible to the well-being and order of the classroom
  • Respond to appropriate discipline where necessary
  • Are respectful and kind to you and each other
  • Students feel safe and are given appropriate feedback

21st Century teaching and learning

CHOOSE 3 of the following 21st Century Teaching and Learning teaching and learning concepts and briefly describe how your way in, through, or out demonstrated these concepts.  Feel free to choose from the following list or add your own:

Year 1 and 2 Canvas sites PLUS each of the following is a link from:
21st Century Teaching and Learning Choice 1:
Formative Assessments:
  1. Way in: Active prior knowledge with Kahoot quiz (multiple choice)
  2. Way Through : Group brainstorming, discussions and working together on exercises and finding out the formulas and standard unit.
  3. Way out: Repeat the lesson with Socrative and also test the children what they know or have understood of the given subject
21st Century Teaching and Learning Choice 2:
Collaborative learning
  1. Way in:  Activating prior knowledge with Kahoot, formulate group answers. The teacher introduces the theme of the day and provides explanations and instructions.
  2. Way through: Group of students working in groups of 5, in which they first work independently, then compares their answer with his neighbor and then formulates a group response and share it with the rest of the class. The teacher walks past the group and assist where needed and make the necessary complements.
  3. Way out: Group Performance is evaluated with the whole class and the difficulties are discussed.
21st Century Teaching and Learning Choice 3:
Collaborative learning
  1. Way in:  Activating prior knowledge with Kahoot, formulate group answers. The teacher introduces the theme of the day and provides explanations and instructions.
  2. Way through: Group of students working in groups of 5, in which they first work independently, then compares their answer with his neighbor and then formulates a group response and share it with the rest of the class. The teacher walks past the group and assist where needed and make the necessary complements.
  3. Way out: Group Performance is evaluated with the whole class and the difficulties are discussed.

the way forward
Practice in class and at home
The teacher will give the students some exercise to calculate area and volume of the classroom. In the lessons earlier they have gotten how to work with
measuring instruments. They will get homework to measure the area and volume of their refrigerator.
Where this Leads
  • The students will be able to calculate surface area and volume. They will also know what the unit is for area and volume. The formula of area and volume has a connection that they will see during the lesson. (the teacher will ask the students by writing down the 2 formulas among  each other). After the exercises the students will be able to relate the subject to practical jobs, like putting tiling in a room. At last they must be able to calculate the volume of an odd object in comparison with a normal bar. So in order to calculate these kinds of objects we need a graduated cylinder. Later in other lesson they can apply this knowledge to calculate density.
Ending class
(be specific)
To end the lesson I will use socrative to test the understanding of this subject and it will also serve as repetition:
  1. What is the formula of area?
  2. What is the symbol and standard unit of area?

2 cm
400 mm
……. dm2
20 dam
20 m2

2 km
……. m
2 m2
…… cm2
10.000 dm2
…… m2

  1. What is volume?
  2. How can we calculate volume?
  3. What is the unit of volume?
  4. How can we calculate volume of an odd object like a pebble?
  5. 1 l = …….cm3 ; 100 ml = …..dm3

5 hm
3 cm
…………..*.............*..................= ……….m3
10 m
1 cm
2 mm
…………*................*..................= ……….l
2,5 m
25 cm
………...*.................*..................= ……...cm3
3 m
5 m
1 dm
………..*..................*..................= ………. ml
Handouts, Links and Resources
  • What handouts did you prepare for this lesson?
  • Include weblinks and resources that you used to prepare this lesson.

Encouragement and a Warning
Over time, you will be able to create lesson plans easily, but the first few times, you will probably be working on this lesson plan again and again. We all encourage you to take chances, to play with ideas, to try out crazy and fun ideas.  Even if those ideas fail, you will do well, because if you don’t try anything new, you will become a boring teacher.  
At the same time, PLEASE do not cut and paste lessons from the internet and claim them as your own.  To do so is plagiarism, and you will not get credit for the assignment.  The IIED professors use different software to determine if students are copying and pasting from the web ( is an example), so I urge you to do this entirely as your own work.   
Best advice: do this yourself and give it your best.  Avoid scouring the internet for ideas.  You are clever enough.  Make this something you are proud of!


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