When asking teachers Why they choose not to use computers in their teaching?
I find that the main reasons that influence there decisions are related to there personal belief in technology's benefits, or a lack of that, rather than a resistances to technology.
For those who are not jet convinced of the benefits of using ICT's in today's the classroom I'd like to lay out some points here.
1> Contrary to what many claim I find that ICT can stimulate the focus and commitment of students. There are quite a few games that are put together with an educational character. Students learn while solving problems in different levels.
2> There are many ICT tools you could use to better illustrate the subject matter. for example,
When talking about the Amerindians and all the inhabitants that life in the interior. showing video's to the kids explaining their cultures, habits, lifestyle etc. will give the kid a much better idea of the subject. Especially the once who have not been to the interior.
3> Creativity and Expression area skills that cold be improved by using a ICT tool like Toondoo. In example the class goes on an excursion and gets an assignment to make a story of their experience which they need to present in front of the class.
4> Lot's of kids learn better if they see or experience things. Although it is not always possible to have students physically experience the subject in real live. (some times because of the Danger or other reasons. i.e. Physics or chemistry) In that case ICT can help with Simulation software like those of the website: http://phet.colorado.edu
5> Padlet is a great tool that could be used to improve Collaborative learning and Brain storm sessions.
6> Socrative and Kahoot are fun online tools to test students knowledge about a subject.
These tools could be used on any smart device like smartphones, laptops or tablets. It always creates a fun competitive environment in class.
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