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Posts uit augustus, 2017 tonen

About Me

I am Miguel Cramer, part-time ICT teacher at IMEAO2. I have been teaching since October 2004. In order to improve my teaching skills I took part in the ICT in Education course  which started in 2014 until 2017 My teaching is based on m y own Philosophy . Here are the results of my skills

Encouraging English Elementary School

From left to right: Manisha Achaibersing, Adit Moekoet, Miguel Cramer, Gonesh Soekhoe, Peggy Amat Information: Manisha Achaibersing       Teacher  at OS Magentapolder which is a primary school. Teaches all subjects. Six years of teaching experience. Married and hobbies are  cooking and reading.              Adit Moekoet         Teacher at Parvati School which is a secondary junior school. Teaches math and physics. Has 20 years of teaching experience. Also owns a small construction business. Hobbies are volleyball and soccer. Miguel Cramer             Manager of the ICT department at ATV/Telesur. ATV is a tv station. Teaches partime at  the  secondary senior business school “Imeo 2”. Has 10 years of teaching experience. Hobbies are  swimming and fitness.       Gonesh Soekhoe           Teaches I...

Cultureel bewustzijn en culturele expressie

Cultureel bewustzijn en culturele expressie Groepsleden: Esther Boldewijn Kimberley Tjon Poen Gie John van der Zijden Raoul Bergen Miguel Cramer Erkenning van het belang van de creatieve expressie van ideeën, ervaringen en emoties in diverse vormen, waaronder muziek, podiumkunsten, literatuur en beeldende kunsten. In Suriname beseft men het belang van cultureel bewustzijn en culturele expressie wel. Echter komt dit nog niet tot uiting in het curriculum van het formeel onderwijs. Bij het ministerie van onderwijs, wetenschap en cultuur zit, zoals de naam al doet vermoeden, het directoraat Cultuur. Activiteiten vanuit dit directoraat hebben niet direct betrekking op het formeel onderwijs, maar wel met ontwikkeling en motivatie tot creatieve expressie. Er zou meer gedaan kunnen worden om dit deel in het huidig curriculum te verwerken. Er is op de begroting geen geld vrij gemaakt voor dit onderwerp. Momenteel wordt het te veel overgelaten aan de leerkrachten ze...

Skype Session met Win Mees

For our last group Assignment we had to address an real life issue about a 6 grader, living in the district Nickerie is beeing bullied and has difficulties with Language. Every team member had a certain role in order the help the student improve. My role was to help with ICT Tools. I recomended assesment tools, Formative and Summetive. The tools to use are Kahoot or Socrative. Furthermore the kids could also be guided using tools from the folowing sites: Through a Skype session every member was interviewed by Proff. Wim Mees to test our skills Here's the Scenario <-To ACAD Prep

Role Play: Stakeholders Meeting

For Module 16 we had to do a role play in which there was a meeting between the projet team and the stakeholders. pls. check-out the clip.

ADULT LEARNING: Persauding Adult Educators to Use ICT’s in the classroom

Assigments 1: Persauding other Adult Educators to Use ICT’s in the classroom Group Members: Miguel Cramer Julian Maclean Lalé Radjinderpersad Geneviëve Trasemita Jhylisa Rudge 1 Context of the school Mulo Meerzorg street name: Commissaris Thurkowweg. The number of teacher is 17 including the principal, the gym teacher, the substitute and two librarian. The teachers are conservative because that’s how they were taught. There are 264 students attending the school. Their socio economic situation is fair for teacher and students, above the poverty line. The local telecommunication company donated computers to the school so they have a special ICT classroom. Teacher Profile Gender: Female Age: 49 Area of Residence: Zorg & Hoop Experience: 25 years Subject: Dutch Teaching Style: Strict Status: Influential Personality: Motivated Level of Passion: Very Passionate Exp. with Technology: Smartphone Genevieve Rudge is a 49 year old ...

About Me_old

I am Miguel Cramer, part-time ICT teacher at IMEAO2. I have been teaching since October 2004. In order to improve my teaching skills I took part in the ICT in Education course  which started in 2014 until 2017 My teaching is based on m y own Philosophy . Here are the results of my skills


Chech out my PDP What's Your Learning Style_ the Results by Miguel Cramer on Scribd Multiple Intelligences Self-Assessment _ Edutopia-Miguel Cramer by Miguel Cramer on Scribd What Kind of Student Are You Miguel Cramer by Miguel Cramer on Scribd


Popplet and Reflection Popplet Reflection I fully agree on all the Staments the speaker made during his speech. He said many things that caught my attention. Things like “we have no clue what will happen in the future, but still we are educating kids. Preparing them for a future we have no clue how it looks like. I was impressed with and I also agree with the statement he made about children  not being afraid to make mistakes. But because of our society which does not accept mistakes, these kids will grow up into people that the society exoects from them, so they will grow out of their creativity instead of growing into it. Thinking about my school days, I remember that some students were briliiant in painting and some in sports, but because these subjects are seen as inferior to those like math and languages, the result was that in the end these kids failed and nothing was ever heard friom them again, which is a real pity, thinking about the amount of talent which has be...


Scamper Applied on a PVC Pipe   <-To ACAD Prep

Game Bassed Lesson

Games to be chosen from where: